This is All About me!

This post is going to give you an overview of the post ahead. This blog will be reflecting on different things in the news. NOW I know (most likely) ALL of my views on certain things will rupture others emotions and to be perfectly honest, I DON'T CARE! If you feel insulted well then...GET OFF MY BLOG, which is something most people wouldn't understand and are to ignorant to do. I understand that this is for a grade, but that doesn't mean I can't tell the truth, be raw and uncut and show both sides of my double consciousness. i must warn you that I can get emotionally get into an topic, which means that most of the time I will be shooting and cutting people open with my nice and non-profane language(Unfotunately).


  1. I really like the layout of your blog! Very professional looking. I do want to caution you about using language too emotive. Unfortunately, emotions are a very weak way to get a point across. Rationality and Logic are the ways to go!

    1. Yeah, I can agree with that because emotions can't back stuff up but using logic you are able to back it up with large amounts of evidence.


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