This Romney Guy

    The only thing I have actually heard of this Mitt Romney is that he is the man "crazy" enough to run against President Obama.

 Then one day in class, our teacher told us that his about his slogan, "Keep America American". Afterwards, they came back and said it was the same slogan the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) used in the 1920's.As former President Franklin D. Roosevelt once famously said, “nothing in politics happens by accident.” This slogan sparked an outrage amongst, if not all, most of us.(Being that most of us come from a African American ancestors)
    Just last night, October 3,2012, was the debate against President Obama and Governor Romney. I did not watch it because, myself, I am not a politics kind of guy but, I know the tricks and games used and the dirty politics people high in power use.(On and off screen.) This morning,October 4,2012, my friend told me about this picture on FaceBook that included the cast of Sesame Street. They looked angry and it said, "Romney's trying to take out PBS?" and the last saying is popular with most pictures,when it came down to problems, on Tumblr and FaceBook, "Sh@t just got real!" I thought this was crazy, taking out PBS! PBS has been in my family for years. (Especially when my Mom has been watching it since she was young.) And still till this day Public Broadcasting Service still educates and entertains the young and the old since the 1950s.
    My friend also brought up a point, on which we argued a bit. She claims Sesame Street is stereotyping, how Oscar is homeless, but I told her the trashcan is his home and I ,now, I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I agree that it does seem like they are stereotyping a bit. On the other hand, I still insist that Oscar is not homeless, the can is his home.
     Now back to the issue at hand, I am hearing all of these statements made from Romney and it is getting disturbing. Some say he is trying to take out food stamps and I know quite a amount of people who recieve food stamps(or those who are supposed to receive it). Personally, my family is not on any government assistance programs, so i would not understand how that feels to have some guy stroll in and snatch it all away.
    "Corporations are people." This mindset is helping to destroy America. Is Romney saying that people, the citizens of America, are businesses? Is he saying that we can be easily bought and sold? If anything, that sounds like how America used to be with slavery.
    George Stephanopoulos asked him, " Is $100,000 middle income?" Romney replied, "No, middle income is $200,000 (to $250,000) and less." I believe this man is way off with his statement and he is out of touch with the middle class. " I believe  the rich have too little money." This dude is a monster! I do not know if this man knows what the term "rich" means.  He is siding with the rich and that is detrimental to the middle class and poverty stricken (lower class) citizens in America. "I'm not concerned about the very poor, there is a safety net there" he is only caring about the higher class/rich people. If you are going to be the next President of the United States of America, you should pay attention to all classes in the country. 
    "I can relate to black people." Because his ancestors once owned slaves. What the hell heck was this guy thinking. I hope this man did not actually say and mean these words. If so... he is uncultivated, uncultured, and ignorant. How can he relate to us, the African American race? Did he learn about how his race went through slavery, segregation, and the ever so horrid lynchings? Or did he learn about how the Europeans traveled to American, found the Native Americans, mistreated them, disbursed epidemics, slept with their women, stole land(which the Natives believed in sharing it all) and destroyed lives and families.
(During those times. I am not saying they all believed in doing this sinful act.)
    I do have plenty more to say but I refuse to. My last two words.


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