To The Poison Sptting Dragon/ To My Failed Free Education
To the woman who said she "wanted to cry" when we explained our education status to her in class.
She is a far better educator and far more educated than Stephen Hawking ever could be. She could replace Hera and Athena any day and maybe Aphrodite. She would be considered the "Black geisha" of America. If she was to stay in France, she would sleep in the finest Medieval Chateau and it would be dubbed unfit for her majesty. Hubert de Givenchy would ask her for help, ignoring over fifty years of his own expertise. Monroe, Kelly, Astaire, both Hepburns, Rodgers, Garland, Taylor, and Brando would bow to her grace. And speaking of Hepburn, she had brunch at Tiffany's. If Marcus was to turn on her, he would ask himself, "Et tu, Brute?" Because he turned his back on the sole embodiment of education and all of it's sectors. Even though the woman fed me "salty caviar on saltine crackers with caked on salt" theirTheir Eyes Were Watching God, Narrative of the Life Frederick Douglass, Huckleberry Finn, Invisible Man, and What It's Like to Be a Black Girl, she exposed me literary arts such as The Great Gatsby, Citizen Kane, King Lear, Kubla Khan, London 1802 and, even, Hayden's Middle Passage. Although she was a grass "muncher", she is more ferocious than Cerberus and Hydra combined. She was a brute, far more savage than any warrior or beast from Asgard. She was an expert of fables, a fibber, a deceiver, or a trickster, any of these words fit her just fine. She could be the Queen of Thieves and have Shaka Zulu step down from power if she wanted to. The words: know-it-all and wise guy cannot surmount to her high-mindedness. The word to match her stature is simply: smart ass.
But part her cleanliness and evils, she has granted me pure concentrated knowledge during the time I have spent as an AP student, in 2012. By my second semester in tenth grade I realized that my learning experience, thus far, was so far in shambles to where it cant be returned. If you ask me or any of my classmates if they are "college ready", the answer would be "No". When I look at the students ranked in the top 10%, I, truly, think that in some form are not ready. If I were to go back to 2010, I would fix all the wrongs that were made. I can only speak for myself when I say that I have been cheated out of some type of education. It is truly a shame when you have had almost 35 classes, total, and you can say that you only learned in 6 to 8 classes. I have learned more from that Poison Spitting Dragon in one semester than I have in entire high school "career". To my failed high school education, I hate you. From the deepest, darkest, blackest part of my heart. When I think of you, I become filled with rage, anger, jealousy, and revenge. To my failed high school education, I want you to sit in front of Hades and I think of what you have not done.
Do I truly want to say goodbye to the dragon and my fellow scholars? No, I would give a farewell for now. With the exception of two people, I hope to see everyone I have dubbed as my family again down the road. I will always remember room 311 as the nest of the golden goose of education and the dragon's lair. We had some of the best "real" talks (That too many other teachers try to avoid most of the time) and some of the best laughs with each other, in that room, and about that class. We should all make it a goal to have brunch with the dragon, just as the people who took her for AP LITERATURE (*coughing* No Class of 2013 allowed!) I would like to thank the dragon, Mrs. Keena Kendrick Day, for giving me best of my last two and a half years.
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