I'd Study King Kong, Just In Case

          In the piece Should We Study King Kong or King Lear, by Harriet Hawkins, I have read this way after I was supposed to. Hawkins basically says that King Kong (film) has the ability to effect how you read King Lear (play) and vice-verse. Trying to compare these two arts can be easily done. Cordelia could be the same as the group of men that traveled to Skull Island. The land Lear ruled equal to Skull Island and New York. And of course Lear and Kong both easily compared to each other by the following: they both lost the power they once had (Lear split his kingdom in half as a gift to his daughters, Regan and Gonreil. Kong's situation I always compare to the African slave. He was stripped of his "king" like title when man ripped him away from his native home.) and they both suffered a tragic death. If I would have noticed the strong simialrities months earlier, I would have never attempted to read King Lear being that I have seen both Cooper's and Schoedsack's King Kong (1933) and the most current Jackson's King Kong (2005).


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